We've named John R. Turbyne to the position of Vice President/Commercial Loans. John brings over thirty years of banking experience to the position. As a banker, he has a broad knowledge of commercial underwriting, administration, and business development. And his years as an FDIC bank examiner have given him an understanding of countless other bank functions.
John comes to us from Franklin Savings Bank, where he was Vice President of Commercial Lending. Prior to that, John held the same position for most of his nearly twenty years with TD BankNorth. He began his career in finance in 1970 as a Bank Examiner for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Boston Region, based at the Maine Field Office in Augusta. Since his graduation from Massachusetts' Lowell Technology Institute with a bachelor's degree in Industrial Management, John has continued coursework at the FDIC, Robert Morris Associates, the American Bankers Association, and elsewhere.
John shares the bank's commitment to community involvement. Since the 1980s, he has been involved in a number of civic activities in the Concord region, such as the Hooksett Planning Board, the Kiwanis Club of Concord, the Capital Region Development Council, and the New Hampshire Main Street Center. John's knowledge of and commitment to the Concord area make him as fine an asset to the community as he is to us.